I'll be around for another flying visit to Bett23 - I wonder how much Artificial Intelligence will be on display ? Is that a pun?
I'll be around Thursday and Friday
At moment I am visiting and/or meeting and presenting
- ThingLink
- Genially
- Intel ( presentation Thursday lunchtime)
- Fujitsu
- Click-View
- Microsoft Education
- Google Education
- Advantis Systems/Class VR
- Instructure Canvas
- ALT Session ( Association of Learning Technology)
I think I have figured out way to bring AR/VR to the College in a cost effective way but always open to opinions and solutions.
My focus on hybrid learning and how best to support a large ambitious metropolitan College with 30,000 student population and broad curriculum.
I don't need new MIS, VLE, Assessment , Proctoring or Video capture systems etc
My diary is almost full - if you want a meeting reach out to me on twitter @joecar
I look forward to meeting friends old and new.
Reflections last few years BETT
My diary is almost full - if you want a meeting reach out to me on twitter @joecar
I look forward to meeting friends old and new.
Reflections last few years BETT
And some tips from seasoned BETT visitor