Friday, March 04, 2022

We interrupt this Service #Ukraine No to War #FightForUkraine #FreeUkraine

I've been doing all the normal work and family routines this week and increasingly being upset and angered by events in the Ukraine and generally feeling helpless. 

Here is a simple mode of resistance and civil disobedience. It's not my idea it is one doing the rounds on social media - but it is easy to do. 

Search google maps for cafes and restaurants in large Russian cities with large numbers of reviews. Use google translate to post a pro-Ukraine message directly on to their website. I suggest the one below but you may prefer a more subtle message. 

Encourage Russians to be opposed to Putin's illegal war and to demonstrate.

Уважаемые россияне, ваши СМИ подвергаются цензуре. Кремль лжет. Тысячи ваших солдат и украинских братьев гибнут на Украине. Узнайте правду в бесплатном Интернете и в приложении Telegram. Время свергнуть диктатора Путина! любовь из Шотландии

Dear Russians, your media is being censored. The Kremlin is lying. Thousands of your soldiers and Ukrainian brothers are dying in Ukraine. Find out the truth on the free web and on the Telegram app. Time to overthrow dictator Putin! Love from Scotland.

Messages are easy to generate just go to and ask for your politer appeal to be translated into Russian. You may prefer the threat of No more Scottish single malts ! Больше никаких шотландских односолодовых виски! if you are uncomfortable with the blunter over throw of Putin. 

You could also let the Russians know what is happening in #Ukraine by sending a random Russian a text message via  

We need to tear down the wall of Russian propaganda and censorship! and let them know the truth. Let them know the eyes of the world are upon them and that we support them even in these terrible times. 

This is the best way to communicate with the people of Russia, as Twitter , Facebook , LinkedIn  and other social media platforms are blocked in Russia.  The Telegram app is their equivalent of Twitter or more accurately WhatsApp. 

If you are not sure how to do this here is a simple set of instructions.
You could move on from restaurants to reviewing hotels - they all have websites with visitor and comments books.  Remember to put your chosen comment onto their website and not as a Google review. I am guessing that Google maps may soon be blocked in Russia too. 

If you are not sure how to do this get one of your family or friends to show you how and donate too to one of the many charities raising funds for Ukraine. 

Russians can't do this for themselves as they would get 15 years in jail for saying that Russia has invaded Ukraine. 

#FightForUkraine #FreeUkraine

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