Tuesday, November 12, 2019

#DigitalAmbition City of Glasgow College

I plugged these sessions as they rolled out,  I am part of national consultation group . Yesterday, the roadshow came to City of Glasgow College and we had a good attendance from both the College and Colleges across Scotland. 

I know that following this roadshow that the findings from all of the roadshows will be tested again with the wider community and opened up for comment. I hope everyone is ready to chip in their ideas - there was a lot of good thinking going on yesterday. 
Ken Thomson OBE leading event cc Tom Duff City of Glasgow College
There was a lot of good use of feedback technology in the workshop and was pleasing to see http://www.allourideas.org/ used as part of consultation - if you want an ordinal list in a survey great way to do it - driven by Adaptive Comparative Judgement.

Tongue in cheek but perhaps one of our ambitions may be to find out what Scottish FE staff use in terms of social media #digitalambition , if it's Friends Reunited and MSN Messenger -we have a journey to travel - but clearly from engagement around the #digitalambition tag , at the moment perhaps it's not Twitter ?


  1. Well observed! It has been painful to see rUK forging ahead with digital ambition for FE colleges while we have dithered somewhat (not completely as there have been some shining examples of digital intiatives over the piece).
    But Education Scotland (and SG) really missed a trick to properly address post-school education in its digital learning and teaching strategy (2016)
    We need more champions/ambassadors to step forward and showcase their good practice to raise expectations in their depratment or faculty.
    All power to Ken Thomson in this effort to address the issues. If anyone can make this happen - it must be Ken!

  2. Possibly heresy but I think Education Scotland absent on post 16 digital initiatives for most of this century in terms of College landscape but happy to be corrected - and good this is underway.
