Tuesday, December 18, 2018

#Bett19 #Bettshow19 #Bett2019 #Bettshow2019 January 23rd-26th 2019 Excel London

I am heading down to #BETT19 early on the Wednesday morning for some pre-meetings and then the usual busy diary of meetings in and around the conference, I'll be around until Friday afternoon.

I can't claim to have been at this event for last 32 years but I've attended since the mid 1990's  Reflections over last few years here 

My diary is pretty full but  - if  you have something unique and engaging aimed at any part of the assessment , e-portfolio space or you have some genuinely open learning or you are looking for meaningful partnerships with school , college or vocational learning space either in Scotland or internationally,  then I would be interested in talking to you.  I am easy to get hold of - just tweet something to @joecar and I'll respond. You can find out about me and my institution  here. 

Scottish Education A Reminder -

Scottish Education really is very unique and very distinct to what is on offer in the school , college and vocational space in England and that is unique in a good way - the system is much more open to innovation in many ways. ( this message especially for any attendees to the Education World Forum who may have been told that the UK Education System is all modelled on the English system).

Around the conference I am meeting the usual suspects from Microsoft , Google and Canvas and  other global vendors along with contacts from thirty years working in and around educational technology.

One of my hot tickets this year is the Google Innovator Networking Lunch on Friday.

GEG UK is hosting a networking lunch at Bett 2019 it is a chance to meet  GEGs from across EMEA to come along and meet other educators who are passionate about using technology in education. I am doing a lot with Google Apps at moment and always looking for innovative partners.

This link takes you to booking page. 

There is a Scottish gathering too for educational technology folks on Thursday 24th January 4-5 pm at the Google for Education BETT Gallery upstairs in the Excel Centre. You can see a theme developing here ;-)

Above all I look forward to catching up with faces old and new.

Some tips if you are a BETT newbee : -
  • Fill your diary with meetings before you go - or you will be diverted by the sheer scale of BETT and not be as productive as you could be.  You should already know what you need to find out ! 
  • Travel light , use the cloakroom , don't rely on wifi in exhibition area, bring an additional charge pack for any mobile device, drink lots of water and be prepared to walk long distances between meetings.
  • Wednesday morning  catch the ministerial address - it often sets the tone for lots of what is happening around the conference - if you like me are from vocational sector look out too for Minister for Apprenticeships and Skills who usually does a Friday morning slot in one of the main arenas.
  • When you are not networking book into a relevant session in the conference programme you can review the exhibition stands as you go between meetings and conference sessions. 
  • If you are not going to BETT awards Wednesday - fill your evenings with meetings too - there are lots of networking events . 
  • If you are not running for a train or plane get along to Teachmeet Bett on Friday evening.
  • You may not have spotted but it is a sort of two for one deal this year you can pick up sessions at the Education Show which is in adjacent hall . This event usually held in Birmingham in March with very much a school policy focus. 
You will hear a lot of self centred crap from those who have not spent a lot of time in front of real learners - if you work in Education policy - please do not feel inadequate in front of lots of expensive glossy technology and/or salesmen called vice president  , keep your feet on the ground , but also don't be a technology denier.  (it really does improve learning and learning outcomes) and listen to learners and teachers as to what would make a difference.

If  you really work in school , college or work based learning - you know already how lucky you are to have been given time to get to this event in London. Take this opportunity to challenge the policy makers , tekkies and pseudo education leaders to deliver things that can help the learners in front of you. Think ahead too what will help learners over next 3-5 years. You can do that ! , We  do actually know impact of Industry 4.0 and what learners and the economy need and don't be scared by statements like 65% of future jobs are not invented yet,  it is fake news.

Above all share what you discover with the colleagues who are not there with you - get on to twitter , blog etc and focus on the useful links and ideas that will help them and help you later- not pictures of your lunch or celebs like Bob Geldof  !.

I've said this before but ...

Have a mind open enough to see what you can do to change things for your learners .. but be street wise enough not to buy the latest gizmo with a fifty year lease back and a maintenance licence that will mortgage their future.

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