Some musings with some hacking of Storify to pull this together - I think that is in the tradition of #OER Conferences - and it will probably be my final 'storify' as another useful tool disappears from the free web. ( I've jumped ship and moved all posts across to Wakelet )
Yes, not hacked very well , I'll tidy up later ;-)

It is always a pleasure to get involved in the organisation and running of an #OER series conference . The open education community across the UK and internationally, may come at Open Education from lots of different perspectives but the shared interest in opening up learning in an inclusive way binds us all together and means too that everyone is open to sharing - The Watershed in Bristol was a great venue . Thanks to ALT and our conference chairs David Kernohan and Viv Rolfe for leading an excellent conference.
Here are some edited highlights with some links at the end This is not a shout out to all the great key notes, chairs and presenters and all the great folks that gather for these conferences you all know who you are - you all make this gathering great !
If you don't know about this gathering have a poke around #oer18 hashtag on twitter or have a dig around this year's programme
Graphics and key messages were just right !

@MarenDeepwell kicks off #oer18 #oerconf and reminds us about #iwill campaign @A_L_T have been really active in leading the battle for open

@LornaMCambell set conference theme superbly and some great questions from floor
@OERConf #oer18 good question from @pbacsich institutions are good at business cases but less good at framing initiatives that are for the civic good . I’d challenge College Boards and University Courts on this - Still think driver needs to come from Govt policy though #openscot
I must have a root around UCL publications and see what fits with further education . Potentially some useful home grown open publications.

John Casey City of Glasgow College - led great session and looking forward to rolling out handbook across College and beyond.

From many sessions I picked up some great models of open practice in action and I am going to point my own team back to explore some of these
In no particular order I was impressed by work with
How the University of British Columbia uses an institutional wiki
The self hosted Splots from Reclaim Hosting and some more information on this approach at institutional leve
I've blogged about Reclaim Hosting before - but tool to clone wordpress blog template - is really useful and or will be when more centres realise what a great way blogging is to empower learners
This is a great institutional project to get learners to reflect on their digital identities - and their digital profiles around the metaphor of their digital tattoo
If you want to reflect on what being an open practitioner is and a lot more a good place to start is having a look at Dr Catherine Cronin's presentation
I flagged up some innovations to my former employers as I watched themes that have been covered in internal papers for years as I watched an open system for standards and outcomes design being presented and a great example of Wales using Wikipedia in formal assessments in the school sector ( waving to SQA higher education board member who thought Wikipedia was an aberration , it was a long time ago ) I can't do them justice here but I chaired an excellent series of lightening talks - hope the images are just enough to get you to go and find out more

I did it again and will probably forget my user name and password - but I have another Reclaim Hosting Wordpress Blog . I really must do something with it . I've stuck by Blogger since 2001, Gosh if I switched I could have quickly moved this across from Storify ! The clever folk at Reclaim hosting built a system that moves Storify Stories across to a Reclaim hosting Wordpress Blog with the click of a button.
It was great to see the GCU copyright resources released into the wild And being given many timely reminders #OpenEducation needs driven by government policies #openScot

Thanks to our splendid hosts and I look forward to following many of you on twitter over the year ahead

And looking forward to next year already !

and now here is Storify to Wakelet version
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