Monday, June 05, 2017

#oerforum #openscot Warsaw European Open Educational Policy Forum

#OERForum #OpenScot Warsaw

#OERForum #OpenScot Warsaw

An Overview of Two days of discussion about Open Educational Policy Across Europe

  1. This is a short snapshot of the proceedings of the Open Educational Resources Policy Forum held in Warsaw 1st-2nd June 2017 supported and facilitated by Alec Tarkowski @atarkowski Centrium Cyfrowe Poland . I was invited to talk about Open Scotland , the Open Scotland Declaration and Open Educational Developments in Scotland, as co-founder of Open Scotland. I have to make special mention of my co-conspirator @lornaMCampbell who made sure we had a Scottish voice at these proceedings. I cannot do justice to all of the useful things I discovered over the two day sessions so here is just a sample . I will post up the presentations I delivered across two sessions in a separate post. This was an opportunity to hear about some great developments happening across Europe.
  2. #oerforum getting underway looking forward to hearing lots of radical new ideas to feed back into #openscot
  3. In terms of a nation on the move, the Netherlands was frequently cited as having the most progressive system. Progress is being led by the universities but is embedded in the school system too . This is the policy conundrum . Some Countries have some very ambitious policies - Slovenia , Romania, Georgia , Moldova and USA but less evidence that change is being taken up by the practitioners. In Germany , Poland , Norway , Italy , Spain and France systems at some level are already moving ahead with open educational resources and practices sometimes with fewer policy drivers.
  4. In some countries open practice is more developed in the School or Vocational College sectors rather than in the University Sector. In many countries development is being led at grassroots level rather than being driven by a unified government policy - though increasingly governments across Europe are adopting the principles of the UNESCO Paris Declaration within their policies and practice. Some throw away lines showed educational systems that are enormously progressive . Estonia normalised creative commons licensing across education in 2010. That makes them seven years ahead of Scottish system already !
  5. Slovenia is really leading charge to influence policy across Europe - but other countries are not far behind, as Education Ministries come to understand the benefits to the whole educational system through the adoption of open educational policies and practices.
  6. #OERforum #openscot hope some scottish policy wallahs see this - look how Slovenia moving ahead in this space
    #OERforum #openscot hope some scottish policy wallahs see this - look how Slovenia moving ahead in this space
  7. #oerforum @jatenas outlines open education policy examples: national initiatives in Greece, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands & Romania
  8. We did keep returning to the fact that Open Educational Resources and policies in this space are really a subset of a much broader open movement. But that without some specific policy drivers here developments will not happen. In Spain it is already embedded in teacher training and the formal CPD for teachers.
  9. Norway are already 10 years down the road of having a sharing economy for school teachers . They have a set of impressive figures that show the materials that are co-created by learners and teachers in Norway are now used around the globe and have had a postive impact on achievement and retention in Norwegian Schools I have linked to a small sample for English teachers below . You can see scope of project and global partnerships here 
  10. They have also developed free tools for creating learning materials and mixing existing #OER Content . When I tweeted this out I discovered that a few UK Educational Technologists are using this already . The Moodle and Wordpress Plugins should make it a tool that many teachers and FE staff should be using.
  11. These developments now rolling out globally to provide learning materials for the world.
  12. There are some other useful developments on the way Get CC Certfied should be getting embedded in many professions . The European Digital Skills Framework has been refreshed to pick up open practitioner skills for teachers and learners. A study in Poland will show the impact on teachers and learners of having access to a libary of open text books . The Open Knowlege Foundation continues to map a range of initiatives and people engaged in open educational activity around the world. There are growing sets of resources in place to help teachers and administrators navigate through the world of open education - See USA Department of State Play Book to show teachers how to create accessible open learning materials.
  13. Some governments are using the lever of the Open Government Partnership to bring in new policies around Open Educational Resources . While Sparc continues to support the open research agenda but is now also supporting open educational resource initiatives,
  14. In breakout sessions and in the open forum we spent some time talking through the European Copyright Directives and the aim of getting proper fair usage policies in all European countries. It is worth following this campaign and the broader debate
  15. #oerforum hearing that there is a study on impact of open books on schools in Poland EU Funded useful evidence of impact of #oer #openscot
  16. In the French government presentation some things really jumped out at me . The first is that to date I have not really been aware of the French systems progress in and around open education . There is a rich set of open learning materials becoming available . Here is a sample a self testing language platform  and an ambitious plan to embed blockchain technology into national certification - so moving to digital certification for all. For France traditionally often seen as conservative and bureaucratic in Education circles - this is amazingly progressive. This based on work of the Learning Machine and on
  17. Our hosts Poland are in the midst of a very ambitious educational reform programme including a lot of teacher training initiatives around embedding open practices and pioneering work around having a national open text book programme  and are building and sharing resources for global learning
  18. I am looking forward to seeing the full proceedings from two very valuable days of work with some very inspirational people from across the learning universe. I will share this post with the Open Scotland #openscot blog and community.

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