Data libraries and the skills needed to create and maintain systems that allow the storage, archiving , curation , custodianship and management of information are not things that make headlines in an age when everyone assumes that Google does this all in any case.
You may have fallen asleep already - but this is important !
EDINA celebrated its 20th birthday this week. Based at Edinburgh University EDINA provides services to the global academic community and a number of resources that should be better known and better utilised by UK Schools and Colleges.
While there was much celebration around the fact that over 70% of Colleges in the UK are signed up for EDINA services I have not seen these tools being used and embedded in practice across Colleges in Scotland.
Take a moment or two and have a look at these resources - These are just some of the great resources delivered by http://edina.ac.uk/
These resources should be being used across the curriculum - not just in geography.
jiscmediahub.ac.uk A service that EDINA provided for JISC and currently about to be re-shaped.
opendepot.org Open Deposit and search across UK HE open research repositories
Edina.ac.uk/stat-acc-scot The archive of the two Statistical Accounts of Scotland, covering the 1790s and the 1830s, are among the best contemporary reports of life during the agricultural and industrial revolutions in Europe. A key source to study the emergence of the modern British State and the economic and social impact of the world's first industrial nation.
Tobar an Dualchais/Kist o Riches is a collaborative project which has been set up to preserve, digitise, catalogue and make available online several thousand hours of Gaelic and Scots recordings. This website contains a wealth of material such as folklore, songs, music, history, poetry, traditions, stories and other information. The material has been collected from all over Scotland and beyond from the 1930s onwards. You will not find these resources on YouTube
http://datalib.edina.ac.uk/mantra/ - A free way to understand the challenges of managing digital data
an online non-assessed course with guidelines to help you understand and reflect on how to manage the digital data.
datashare.is.ed.ac.uk A repository of data-sets and http://stats.datalib.edina.ac.uk/sda/ gives you and learners opportunity to do statistical analysis on some big data sets.
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