I have run this as a session a couple of times . Once with the assembled staff of West College Scotland and a couple of times more intimately with the boards of some Colleges looking for the answer to the 'what next " question or even the what's happening now question.
It's actually more about the things that are easily in reach for the technically terrified than it is about global change and the massive global changes that are happening in learning delivery.
I focus on things like what I would do with my Youtube channel if I was still in classroom . No it wouldn't be a homage to my 14 years in the classroom it would be a set of great learning resources borrowed from lots of other people and organisations etc
I give examples of how I continue to use all of the tools listed on the early slide. I should really have a much longer slide of all the tools I no longer use - to illustrate that we should not fear obsolescence in moving the learning dialogue forward.
I pick examples where folk have said it couldn't be done ! - teaching art and photography to degree level on line for instance - both Scottish and UK examples . You don't have to be rich to innovate and disrupt in this space any longer. Open is a way of doing things and not just a brand in Education.
I highlight not the big things happening in USA and global spaces but Tute and tools that are helping learners - better to have a tutor supporting young learners on line than old model of the tutor visiting your children at home.
And I encourage folk to get on and move into this space and use the networking tools that are available , before it is homogenised by commercial publishers, who want to own if not our learners souls, then at least their full browsing and on-line purchasing history.
Someone pointed out that 'facebook' is not on this list . Yes I use facebook and lots of other tools but not in the learning space - that is another slide deck on managing your digital identity.
I've probably still to do some attribution on some of these slides - but will get there .