In has taken a longer gestation period than I expected it to - but that is sometimes simply the nature of something worthwhile - but finally and with the support of a number of colleagues from across the SQA we had a paper accepted and approved by the necessary committees and we can move ahead in supporting #openbadges.
The press release came out two weeks ago and generated quite a lot of twitter traffic and a lot of emails too.
I thought it was worth setting out just what has been agreed.
I am speaking to Mozillians on Wednesday night and on Saturday I am a guest at Mozfest in London to speak to some of the many English based awarding bodies on the national approach we are taking to #Openbadges in Scotland.
I hope too to meet some other national awarding and accreditation bodies from around the world and compare notes on their approaches to #openbadges
We already have generated a lot of interest from corporate sector and from a number of professional bodies who are interested in our approach from across the UK.
Here is substance in terms of press release -
Over the last two years we have been in dialogue with the Mozilla Foundation.
The Scottish Qualifications Authority supports the concept of Open Badges and is working in partnership with the Open Badges in Scottish Education Group to support the adoption of Open Badges across a range of sectors.
We believe that the infrastructure promotes and supports greater flexibility for learning and the recognition of achievement.
Within the national context we believe that Open Badges have the potential to: accredit significant small steps in a learner’s journey from informal learning to formal certification, offer recognition for the achievement of single competencies and outcomes, provide recognition for chunks of learning or performance smaller than would normally be recognised in national certification and national credit rating systems and that badges can be used towards accreditation of prior learning where appropriate.
In an organisational context: We will explore the adoption of Open Badges as part of the recognition that we can offer teachers and appointees through our SQA Academy Courses We will explore the possibilities that Open Badges offer in terms of digital certification in the future.
The press release came out two weeks ago and generated quite a lot of twitter traffic and a lot of emails too.
I thought it was worth setting out just what has been agreed.
I am speaking to Mozillians on Wednesday night and on Saturday I am a guest at Mozfest in London to speak to some of the many English based awarding bodies on the national approach we are taking to #Openbadges in Scotland.
I hope too to meet some other national awarding and accreditation bodies from around the world and compare notes on their approaches to #openbadges
We already have generated a lot of interest from corporate sector and from a number of professional bodies who are interested in our approach from across the UK.
Here is substance in terms of press release -
Over the last two years we have been in dialogue with the Mozilla Foundation.
The Scottish Qualifications Authority supports the concept of Open Badges and is working in partnership with the Open Badges in Scottish Education Group to support the adoption of Open Badges across a range of sectors.
We believe that the infrastructure promotes and supports greater flexibility for learning and the recognition of achievement.
Within the national context we believe that Open Badges have the potential to: accredit significant small steps in a learner’s journey from informal learning to formal certification, offer recognition for the achievement of single competencies and outcomes, provide recognition for chunks of learning or performance smaller than would normally be recognised in national certification and national credit rating systems and that badges can be used towards accreditation of prior learning where appropriate.
In an organisational context: We will explore the adoption of Open Badges as part of the recognition that we can offer teachers and appointees through our SQA Academy Courses We will explore the possibilities that Open Badges offer in terms of digital certification in the future.