The prospect of getting up at 3.45am to cross Scotland to catch a very early flight from Edinburgh to Brussels was only challenge in getting to hear about this specific EU Project in integrating social media into vocational and adult education. ( some great new resources will be available from project in November).
Just as significantly the European Commission gave a presentation around the vision of the future of learning and the funded projects and calls that will come next year around digital competency and e-literacy. It looks like there will be a lot of great things coming out of the "creative classroom" initiatives. The first projects will be aimed at school learners and up-skilling school teachers.
Refreshingly and reassuringly some great presentations from Grainne Conole @gconole , Helen Keegan @heloukee , Mark Stiles @markstiles , Stevan Verjans @sverjans and Tom Wambeke @tomwambeke . The UK is often in the lead in thinking we're just not joined up enough would be my reflection. Great none the less to hear work of JISC , ALT and other UK organisations cited as European and world leading.
Thanks to twitter I caught up with Theo Kuechel @theokk on his way to European Conference on multi-media and education . He is curating a great collection of video resources for learning. Testament to Theo's good company and interesting work I managed to stay awake til midnight.