Monday, February 28, 2011

The Finland Phenomenon: Inside the World's Most Surprising School System

As hype continues around Finland's amazing educational achievemennts cynic in me
suspects that we might be about to get 5 years of Finnish system bashing .

In meantime sit back and enjoy the hype.

Friday, February 11, 2011

New Improved ScotEdublogs

John Johnstone  and  Robert Jones  have once again been  updating the platform that Scotedublogs sits on .They are stars and I was glad that SQA could continue provide some support for this . These guys should get a medal !

News of updated platform here

The SQA make regular use of the RSS Feed on Scotedublogs. It is a fantastic barometer of activity across Scotland – The new Times Ed ;-)

There is still a lot more we could do to promote Scotedublogs as a means to link up bloggers in Schools to those in Further Education and Workbased Learning.

Remember if If you are a Scots Educational blogger you can do your bit to support ScotEduBlogs too:
  • Make sure your blog is listed.
  • Make sure the tags on your listing describe your blog.
  • Link from your blog to ScotEduBlogs (there are some images and help on the wiki).
If you check out my sidebar and you can see ScotEduBlog Logo. If you work in Education in Scotland you should have a look at getting your blog listed.

I Digress

What is and why use it? from University of Lincoln on Vimeo.

I was enjoying looking around the excellent and wondered
what made it work.  Wordpress and make for a superb combination.
You can see how this could be future for lots of things .. just think a living national curriculum.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Open but Tough

Open but Tough from Commonwealth of Learning on Vimeo.

Here are some very sage words from Sir John Daniels on open education and on
assessment and certification. Some very good thinking driving the creation of the Commonwealth of
Learning's resources


Amused friend's kids have finished with antique toy we passed on when we cleared family home and wonders if I want it back. Not sure there will be much left of it.
It was the toy gun to have in ancient times.I inherited it from my cousin at some point in late 1960's .

Times have changed, now we try and discourage our kids from playing with guns. Wonder what they use to "clear bunkers" these days ?

Monday, February 07, 2011

Future of Mobile Learning

Here is a great presentation from Andy Black on what is just around the corner for learning. I'm hopeful that Andy gets to keep exploring this territory as he moves from Becta into the corridors of the Westminster Govt.  Hoping too in the austere times ahead we find flexible ways to get our learners in to this creative space.

Time will tell but in meantime lots of food for thought for #ediff and other debates.